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youth strength academy

Did you know that here KJ we look after the athletic development of 200+ youths and have been doing so for over 10 years through our Youth Strength Academy!


Our Youth Athletic Development Strength Academy is specifically designed for youths aged between 10-16 years, to improve their fitness, their strength, self confidence and their mindset in a positive environment.


As with all sessions here at KJ our main goal is to teach the youths to move with greater awareness and better understand of technique and exercise execution.


We offer a safe environment for youths to progress and everything is done in a supervised manner with experienced coaches.


Our academy will cater to suit each person to the level of fitness they are at.


We look at this as a long term development plan and a pathway to future success.


Over the last 10 years we have had a lot of success stories with our youths.. whether that’s in the sport they play or generally just noticing big improvements in there every day life.


The most frequent feedback we get from parents is the noticeable improvement in confidence and self belief in the youths through the structure and discipline it provides.


One important point to note is that all coaches here at KJ Strength & Performance are fully Garda vetted so you never have to worry about the safety of youths in our facility.


So if you have a son or daughter aged between 10-16 and want to give them the best opportunity to learn how to get strong, move better and develop structure and routine to set them up for long term success then get in touch!


We can talk you through The Youth Athletic Development Strength Academy in more detail!

monthly membership


student rates available

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